Thursday, April 9, 2020

First Post!


I thought that it was about time I set up a blog to share my quilts - both those that I've made and some from my collection of antique/vintage quilts and other items. I'll start with the very first antique quilt that I bought way back in 2003 from an antique shop in Richmond, Swaledale, North Yorkshire.
This is a North Country wholecloth quilt made from pink cotton sateen with a very faded print reverse. The wadding which is visible through the worn places is cotton.

It is handquilted in simple but attractive patterns. The centre is made up of six large feather type leaves surrounded by square diamonds with a fan in each corner.
The next border has running feathers and also has a fan in the corners. The last border is made up of a row of large roses in rings and again has a fan in each corner - the fans becoming larger on each border.
The stitching is very rough and ready but still gives a very pleasing design. This is still my favourite quilt even though it is very tatty and worn!
I am making a copy of this quilt but will tell you about that another time.